Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bikini Line Tattoos After Pregnancy


started with training as he had promised me shadow, but
something bothered me noticed a look on my do not know where it was seemed to come from
forest but did not give much importance

Well, first we have to start chaos So use the techniques to be able
shadow said defend ..

okay start ... I
chaos spears showed me was a little difficult at first but could not
something came to my mind and reminded me was when I do, then it was an explosion in
consisted which was to channel a lot of energy, in that I had to practice a lot that was what
was more difficult shortly after the teleportation had to do with an emerald
but you could do without one but was to spend more energy so I
shadow yours soon, as expected and even more fast learner
tecnicas.Despues began to fight with sheer force at the beginning was a bit harsh, in one of those hits I
distrage and not react, shadow did hit me hard that I threw away and silent and the ground

amy sorry, my fault .. I wondered shadow lastimastes

concerned do not worry about that is what I can with this training ... I would
understood so that we continue all afternoon, I was learning a lot
but needed more practice, it was getting dark but even that did not stop me running around
to improve my speed. Exaust was so we decided to go to the shop and we find
everyone was making dinner all turned to see us

they step seems as if they were overwhelmed by a stampede ...
rouge said sorry but
we were to be trained ... I

these dirty you should take a shower ...
blaze said
're right, I said softly thanks .. Tails

offered me to take his bath, was very friendly, put me and undress me
really was all dirty, I felt the water running through my body was a nice feeling, later a bit
and he had no clothes with which changes as the mine was dirty, played
door was rouge in hand clothes

here you have to change clothes ...
rouge said
many thank you very nice ... I

I change the clothes were a black pants and a short pink top I was surprised because I was
put on my shoes and headed to where they were others, all looked at me sonic and shadow
were with flushed face and rouge and blaze loved it as I saw, also offered tails
a shadow that give a quick shower and ran to the bathroom was weird, cream tails and they sent us all was ready for dinner, we sit down and start with dinner
cream was delicious because I knew by her mother cook like tails, came shortly after
shadow of the shower was he looked hungry all things and started talking
know better.

Hair Thinning At The Front

For email I get an alert :



The apparent 'amariconeamiento standard' of society which we live today in day.The appearance of words like 'metrosexual' or 'homogays', terms that do nothing to blur the boundaries between 'good male' and 'fag generalized'. The increasingly tolerated and consumed! male beauty treatments, The apparent and imminent triumph of the bodies 'hairless', the 'flat bellies' and 'non-fatty skin',


For all this and more, 'ASOMACHO' has developed the test in this time you have before, a priceless material which must always remain in the pocket of any 'asomachista' that price and any girl who yearns for us men and export that will serve to bring clarity and order to a society that We isolated and discriminated against. GIFTS

who prefer a. A bottle of rum, brandy or whiskey (very macho)
b. Any article or electronic device (MALE)
c. A pledge of Dress (RARITAN) d.
Sweets, chocolates, etc (WATCH OUT FOR THIS)
e. Flowers and / or perfumes (GAY)

a. Not used (MACHOTE)
b. Use only a little in summer (mannered)
c. Use enough in summer (LADYBUG) d.
Use abundant throughout the year (RE-AGAINST GAY)

a. Your dog lives outside and feed it with junk (MALE)
b. Your dog will live in, eat special food and pet him (DELICADITO)
c. A cat, live in, I caress and sleep with him (TROUT TOTAL)

TREATMENT PLANT a. It feeds some of them (RAMBO)
b. Have some plants outside and water them (HALF MALE)
c. Take care of plants and trees (datura) d.
Watering, pruning and talk to plants and flowers in her garden (GAY) USE OF MIRROR

a. Not used (VIKING)
b. He uses it only for hair (FLIRTY)
c. He looks at skin and watch your muscles (GAY) d.
Like GAY, but also looks the buttocks (LOCA UNCONTROLLABLE)
e. It looks different wigs, costumes and outfits (LOST TRAVEL) HAIR

a. No combing or totally shaved (BRAVO)
b. Combing after a shower (LITTLE MAN)
c. Combing several times a day (LADYBUG) D.
Use gel, hairspray and dryers (HOMOGAY metrosexual)
e. Comb and advises others (GAY) HOME CLEANING

a. Barre only when you feel the crunch of sediment to step (MALE)
b. Barre when you see dirt (LEAVES MANY QUESTIONS)
c. Clean with detergent and water (IS GAY) d.
Clean water, detergent and flavoring (MARIPOSA) FAVOURITE SPORTS

a. Soccer, Football, Cycling, Baseball, Boxing, Formula1, Moto (MALE HAIR ON CHEST)
b.Tenis, Golf, Athletics, Swimming (OK, BUT MUST WATCH)
c. Aerobics, Spinning, Volleyball, Badminton (LOCA UNLEASHED) d.
The As in 'C', but with Lycra (SQUID LOSS) FAVORITE FOOD

a. Pork, fried, macaw, large animal roasted, spicy stews (TARZAN)
b. Fish and salad for no gain (I suspect SENSITIVE)
c. Comprehensive Sandwiches, soups (GAY) d.
Birds accompanied with steamed vegetables (baby rapture) FAVORITE DRINK

a. Beer, rum, tequila, vodka (MALE)
b. Whisky on the rocks (FINE)
c. Light refreshments and soft drinks (SE LE MOJA LA CANOA) d.
Fruit juices and very sweet non-alcoholic liquors (irredeemable philandering)

a. A shower in 5 minutes with soap and wash your pants (LEGIONARY)
b. Quick bathing with shampoo but not touching the ass (MALE)
c. Bathing for more than 30 minutes with liquid soap (FAG) d.
Bathing with salts and foam in the bathtub (cuttle outrageous)

a. Frost and in large quantities (SUPER MACHO)
b. Only one for heat (HALF GAY)
c. Lemon (GAY) d.
No alcohol (SUPER GAY)
e. Without alcohol, ice and lemon (SUPER PLATANAZO)

a. To see girls (SUPER HUNTER ZORRAZO)
b. To see and buy girls clothes (WATCH OUT FOR THIS)
c. A watch's clothing girls (THREAD VOLT) d.
A try and buy the girls clothes (no words ...)

preserve the species .........¡ LET JOIN NOW ASOMACHO !

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Maytag Dishwasher L Lock


Everyone was compliant but sonic meant to be a team and We support you in every

everything is settled, but our team was called omo .... Sonic was saying

need to think about ... I

We were all thinking about what would be the name but something happened sonic and knuckles
were fighting the names were not close friends, as they had
recently met had it not been for rouge, but I wanted to
cream was also part of the team

shadow can take me home for
cream .. I agree ...
shadow said

Shadow released his emerald subject me and disappeared compared to all without
say anything, it takes a while but then return with cream shadow and then with me, everyone was too confused, just watch tails cream blushed and turned the other way

sorry for leave without notice but I thought that cream could also be on our team ..

not worry everyone is welcome to join our team ... said
sonic knuckles pushing elsewhere
well that is a cream, tails? ...

ask if there is no problem .. said without turning tails

Something strange happened tails ever had behaved well since he came
cream blaze then stood from the couch and called us all

already said it was called ..

blaze which is it? .. ask all

Sonic team ..

said sounds good, plus is perfect ..
sonic said
Everyone agreed with the name, soon after this to cream them all
but when I went with tails very nervous that only greet cream back
did not want anyone seeing him like that, then I realized I had fallen in love tails
cream but that kept it secreto.Todos were tired, had not slept all
went to bed exept me and shadow so we take the time to go
and start training.

How To Make Waffle Headbands

team 13.Explicaciones

sonic We follow up workshop, we and the first thing I found
was a yellow fox with two tails it seems that was the best friend of sonic
but were confused with only I entered but sonic will explain everything and
directed towards my

happy hello my name is thousands power, but you can tell me .. said tails

fox hello my name is amy rose nice to meet you ... I said smiling

After me, precente a shadow seems it would be good friends but
something I did not like all sat without saying a word only immense
in thought, was with sonic tails to see that happening, me and shadow
were a bit away

happens to you you've been very quiet since we got ... wonder

shadow if I did not shadow well what if I do not want to see ever ... I thought you did

well not for you we would all be dead ... said

thanks .. I have reason
Sonic called me to where they were all directed me fast and apparently they were all serious

esque amy as pudistes do that .. wonder

I have a really hidden power that I inherited from my mother gave me this necklace and this is my brand
with which I can not change but that's not all I have to find my sister
more because my world is being controlled by something wicked, just me and my sister
we can overcome, plus I can use techniques like shadow chaos
besides that I am a princess ... explain

All were surprised and astonished that they had never expected

'll help you find your sister ...
sonic said
really ... ask

said so is ... all at once

thanks guys ... I said between tears

had never had friends like that now was no longer alone, I would have friends
lend their support.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wella Koleston Hair Color Chart Meaning

12.The attack eggman 11.Rivales

We continued lying but a sound us out of our thoughts seemed
fire apparently were not alone, then out of nowhere appeared a huge robot and how
Not surprisingly it was eggman, the guys we were looking

jojojo look at who we have here but they are my furry friends .. laughing

eggman egg, was expected to come to disturb sonic said ...

surprised you know .. ask

of course is the one that has devastated mobius and have been enemies since
explained long ago ...

come by my revenge your last game was not good .. amy eggman said

Sonic was confused about what was happening was I was just thinking then
already the boys ran towards us were not happy to see eggman
so prepare to attack us ... First rouge and knuckles began attacking
but the robot was very strong that could hurt them, throw them away and
hurt ... I ran quickly towards them and they were very bad so I asked them not to move the following
were silver and silver blaze surprised that I had powers of telekinesis
and was master of the fire blaze was surprising, but only lasted for a moment
only managed to make a scratch but nothing too out there were only hurt me
sonic and shadow
now we'll ask a little scared ...

not worry it will stop and end up with the shadow said
think you're right to fight .. so .. sonic said

Shadow and sonic struck back at the same time and made the robot silent and, sonic was
ball while beating him with spears shadow chaos, I could not do much with the others was
trying to heal (besides that could cure them all with my hands) but I had not realized that sonic and shadow and were very tired because the metal of the robot was
hard to resist the attacks ... sonic shadow and could not time to react to a missile
attacked and released into the air could not hold more and I got up and ran
being in front of the two

wait ... amy shadow handler said
shadow sorry but I can not take it anymore ... I

So mark my collar and my light shone and everyone was blinded when I had become just disappeared after light that shone was pink aura that was me
all looked very surprised I even sonic but now the attack would be different
only me and the robot eggman but as expected it chickened out and went
and invoke the attack could not forgive egg and the robot for hurting my friends

Magma Storm ..
So many meteors of fire and pink aura began to leave the sky and made the robot
was badly damaged, so I teleport to a different place and started beating him
many times and attack with spears chaos very large below the robot
exploded and only get to see as pink emerald shot out and fell on the floor
picked it up, shine and gave me some strength .. Then I went with others and to heal them, only
sonic was the one who said a word

said let's go ..

I returned to my normal now was not so tired but I also felt weird just
me stare just a shadow was normal was wound could not be cured but only looked at me with a smile and continue to sonic.

Floor Plans Programs Granny Flats

All had already gone and decided to walk around and take my place
preferred that forest composed of many flowers and trees, we welcome
much and each one was paired and went to different places not so far
but not all was almost pacifist rouge and knuckles were fighting and not let
to discuss .. Sonic was dead with laughter while silver and blaze
tried to separate them and calm them

Enough guys are supposed to be a walk ... I bother

that had to be but the sleeper just want to pass it of loose ...
rouge said
if you look at who speaks your'd rather have fun stealing .. knuckles complained
They continued
fighting and was giving me headaches so do not take it anymore and pull
a tree that was hit to stop fighting yet
gaping but that I did not care as I did and all couples and all were lying
in flowers but that was not all sonic and shadow were fighting over who wanted to be with me

you guys please do not start.
rogue .. but the faker
just wants to be with you and just know you said ..

shadow that you think if we all three for a ride ...
The two looked at each other breathed a sigh of annoyance, but I wanted to be friends, but it
kept walking would be impossible ... I did not realize that the two were
I stare thing that bothers me a bit, my surprise for them was that they wanted
a surprise lead them to a ravine where he had an ocean view and a tree and a rock
there we sat down and started talking

and how it was that this beautiful place .. desubristes said

shadow as it was when cream and I were shopping .. I know

is a peaceful place .. ..
sonic said
We talking about many things just not told everything as sonic shadow and I
made a promise until it was the right time, after lying down in the grass and look

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man CSIC is looking for Atlantis in Huelva

A bit of archeology to rescue the blog of silence in which he was ultimately buried:

In a study by a team of scientists from the University of Wuppertal (Germany) led by Rainer Kühne , and specifically in satellite photographs they made, are seen in the marshes two rectangular structures embedded in concentric rings. Curiously, this type of construction is described by Plato for Atlantis .

precisely and to justify the fact that Atlantis is not located on an island as described by the philosopher, Kühne endorses the guesswork out of your partner Wickboldt Werner, who stood in Spain remains of this legendary city that could have been submerged between 800 and 500 BC by the effects of a great flood. Wickbolt argued that the Greeks mistook the Egyptian word translated as coastal and island , error that was inherited through the ages.

These holes must determine whether there is any human activity who can certify the existence of traces of human settlement buried or, conversely, how they have acquired the marshes respond to a mere "geomorphological phenomenon." Viewed


Monday, September 14, 2009

Does Husband Byte On Bed?

10.Nuevos 9.Noche friends party

Shadow was too tired so went to rest but I
was still dancing was at the center and danced better than before
everyone stared at me so I approached a girl,
look intently was a very nice bat was

I can dance with you ... I wonder

for me is good .. I

then began to dance very well danced more than I,,
we were the center of attention but in order that we have lots of time dancing
decided to rest she took me with your friends and me the first
precent precent me a guy was red

the knuckles the echidna is said

.. glad knuckles ... I encouraged the

is Silver the hedgehog ...

blaze the cat she is ...

said And when I least expected them to precent a blue hedgehog, was very handsome
was as if they were shadow were very similar as
brothers were

and is sonic the hedgehog ...
happy sonic pleasure

is mine for sure as your name .. pretty

said my name is amy rose

precent ups sorry for not call me before rouge the bat ... glad

I started to know they were very nice and I liked them left for me
time talking and drinking a drink with them but I did not realize that
shadow was looking for and found me because they saw me dance

amy where have you been you started .. been looking

sorry but i was dancing with rouge and decided to rest a bit ... you explain

looked at all so confused precente that it all but when it comes to sonic
to shadow him a little upset as if they were rivals, not to
sonic likes me so much better I suggested to the boys that if they wanted to give
ride and all agreed.

Alter Trousers Too Big

woke but I had not realized he was in another room later
not to know who was in the ark ... look at the sides and I found a shadow
but I was asleep, queizas would be exhausted by the fight with eggman,
me up and take a shower and I just stared at my collar and my brand
never would have thought that was a princess .. I went to the room and shadow
was awake but could not move much

more effort do not need to rest ... I look

who says watching me said .. With a wry smile

me, but if I'm okay

as you did this, as I said seriously transformastes ...

Then I began to talk all he was aware of everything that said, we
all without omitting anything, my powers, my mother. my brand, the necklace and it was a princess
and chaos could use techniques like the

I see, if you want I can show even more chaos and techniques you learn to use them

insisted if I would love, thanks ... I

what you think if tomorrow we begin ... shadow said

sounds good

was so excited, tomorrow will be my training, so this had
to celebrate change and so I asked him to shadow if I could carry
green hill first had to notify cream was fine and would come with it
later,, so we went to central city wanted to buy nice clothes. had
shadow want to invite to a club so we were walking in various
shadow buying clothes shops will face looked upset but I do not care .....
It was the big night so chooses wear a mini skirt and
short sleeve blouse in shades of gold and a little too golden diadem
shadow wore a black pants and red shirt jacket
negracon liked so much that combination we headed to the club its name was
BLU STAR was perfect, was beautiful we had many people
so we went to some vines that were there and drank a few glasses and
dance after we went to center court but did not know what to dance
well as shadow .. most of the night we spent
us dancing

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gastric Banding Covered By Ohip


Eggman wanted to attack but could not get the smile off my face
was when watching a shadow was very devil to do something

mother now is the time .. I

Then I closed my eyes and my collar and began to shine my brand
and started to float in the air enveloping me in a white light, which made
hit and throw away the not too distant robot so slowly down
the ground I felt stronger but also that there

my physical my eyes were pink now change my hair was longer gray and completely changed my clothes, my gloves were black and ended up cut and my skin color also changed to gray, I like the color pink with black clothes and white boots, which I could not stop looking at was that little black ball with wings was when I understood that I was dressed to invoke when they have no power to defend myself, I could not stop smiling and I was directed to eggman terrified

that you .. wonder
eggman amy
not remember and I'm your worst nightmare

surprised I started to attack me I could use the techniques of shadow chaos
wise but not control them also good for throwing balls to
pink .. and the robot was about to attack but use my
taenicide more powerful expansion

rose ...
It was then I began to glow and a pink aura that is felt
much was when I started to throw a burst of pink light
and made the robot broke

this time they won the victory but fled back ...
eggman said
and hopefully come up with something better ... I make fun

Shadow never looked on amazed before seen anything like that but
not last long because I fell to the ground unconscious but came back to my original form
and my collar and my brand ceased to shine.

I Do Not Like It When You Touch My Breast


was trapped helplessly, I could not move shadow achievement
destroy the cell and a bag to control chaos cream from there, I continued
safarme safarme still trying but in vain .. shadow ..
was attacking the robot but their attacks did her no harm, shadow and tired
its energy chaos robot had ahogotado
take advantage and throw away the hedgehog

leave it alone he has no to do with it ....

rogue I'm afraid I can not do that without me over the emerald

not give you the shadow said ...

Rising up then this is your purpose. eggman laughing ..

scream nooo ...

Then out of nowhere a light blinded us suddenly appeared in or
beautiful place was a planet where the sun reflected in a beautiful castle

... I heard my daughter say

ask .... who is there

Suddenly a yellow bristles appeared, had the same eye color as
mine and wore a beautiful white dress. was identical to my mother

???... said between tears

I hug her crying, I had never seen my mother after she died

mother ask where we are ... looking around

this is your home is the planet solaris ...

then that means that I ... I surprised

if you are a princess ... but this planet is not himself a wicked prince
what this ruling which caused the planet to sink into the darkness .. sad
said then that I
do to get everything back the way they were ..

you have a hidden power that will help you but you have to do with the help of
your sister ... would
sister? but as will devise

the mark in your hand, you also help to find this necklace ..
said poniendomelo

That's when I remove the glove Then there was was a star as
my collar .. I had never realized that he had had all these years
but my mother had gone

mother hopes I know a little more .. . yell

solaris the fate of the hands

That had been the last word he had heard from my mother and the light returned to
and did appear to return to the same place, wanted to attack eggman
again but a smile on my face.

Friday, September 4, 2009

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6.Ataque transformation to the base of eggman

The next morning I wake up I had nightmares, were appalling
saw two sea urchins, they protected her baby, succeeded him to safety but they
were killed, I woke up with tears in their eyes ... shadow was on my side had
face because he does not concern me could wake up.

're right ..

wonder if, because it was just a nightmare .. I smiled

I woke up I had not realized I was drenched in sweat, so
shadow told me that if I wanted I would take a shower, luckily I had
led bathe my clothes, got dressed and headed to the control room and there was shadow

well so I am blushing .... ask

then turned and blushed, not because but look elsewhere to see him not flushed

you .. you look beautiful ... said looking away thanks

So prepare everything before we left but I forgot one thing he had said

eggman shadow eggman we expected ..... said we had to wear an emerald

're right .. but I have a plan

thought and was not nervous because I do not know if the plan would work out so we left ... we had arrived, but before we attacked the base shadow gave me a communicator and a weapon. thing that really scared me, would not kill anyone and I did not know ... so we use stealth and shadow to disconnect the surveillance cameras while I covered it so we came to a door and luckily I could open doors without a key or password
then went inside and there was cream in a cell was crying along with cheese ... so I ran quickly to her.

cream, cream amy .. it's me in a soothing tone ahable

amy are you, miss you no longer want to be here, I want to go .... wept even more

not I worry we will draw for you here .... I promise

Shadow and was about to destroy the cell but then it appeared and caught me eggman robot appeared below.

jojojo .. look at who tenemis here, but they are my furry friends ... they said while laughing evilly.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Bushnell Mp Trophy Ar-15 Review


Shadow wanted to take me to where he lived because he had much information on
eggman base, so took out a stone was very beautiful ... I hold the waist

chaos control .. yelling

So we teleporter, then appeared on a space station
surprised me a lot and from there I could see the ground and I was surprised that floated
I always thought that floated but had a system to
to step on the floor.

este.dije seeing that place is everywhere

this place is called ARK is where I grew up here was saying .. shadow

So I drove down a long corridor until they had wanted
to ask many things, but the silence for a moment kingdom

amm on to last night .. thanks for saving me ... I started

there is nothing to be thankful for ... no flipped

but as wise he was in danger and where to find

of times over the Luaga and I am thinking above the buildings is
the reason why you found

thanks without your help I would not last

'm just not answer so after we reached a door opened and ..
had many computers, was a laboratory was great and one that
otherwise strange shadow .. so I showed the place where they hid
eggman, there was an island and so was his base to prepare all
to attack the base ... the bad news was that he was very tired so
shadow invite me to stay.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2010 Kates Playground Rare

4.Planeando rescue ARK 3.The

I was still crying until my hedgehog volt and incorrect, stop mourn
but even so I left the ground mirandio

could not do anything, I'm not very strong help .. I said covering my

not be sad .. find it comforting said

but like .. and who are you?

my name is shadow the hedgehog and what is yours .. said
helping me stand

I'm amy rose Nice to meet
say the same .. now have to think of a plan to save your friend

're right but where we know where it has a cream .. I think

not worry I know where this, by working with the

So we set a place for the plan went well.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Progesterone Dominance Symptoms


cream came out and showed me everything was beautiful green hill, she took
know many shops and places never before seen
whole day we had a great time .. we bought an ice cream took a
long journey to get to a lonely place where no one knew about
he was a field of flowers with lots of trees and a river of water
very clean and decided to talk a little about what had happened to me
last night, we sat under a tree and started talking there

and how did you terminastes desmayastes and in that alley?

I do not remember very well was walking down that alley
then I had realized I was being persecuted and were about
thieves wanted to hurt me I had fallen awkwardly and could not defend
and then appeared that strange black hedgehog that
saved me but I can not remember .. but I feel her head began to ache

I see then was that black hedgehog who will except you said .. very thoughtful

do not know but wherever I want to thank

We were talking and laughing but it comes a very large robot that
seems that someone was coming together was a kind of shaped craft egg
controlled .. and someone that was when I saw a man had a huge mustache
that he looked awful

who is terrified .. I

is Dr. Eggman is the most evil doctor I met was saying ..

And without realizing it had caught the robot cream I was still standing there without doing anything
Bisto never had a robot like that and if fighting will result
wound and cream .... then also appeared on the black hedgehog that had saved me and a blow
Destroy the achievement cream robot but the doctor had caught because
passed out.

if you want the bunny come alive for her but will have to bring an emerald .. Chaos
said with an evil smile

cream so he departed with a maximum speed I was paralyzed, I could not believe the
cream was had kidnapped and I could not do anything just me cai
knees crying could not do anything to save her.

Have An Avatar That Can Get Pregnant

2.My first rescue 1.The

After I passed out woke up in a room was very
beautiful white, but because I am here as I get here?
not understand anything until suddenly appeared a cream colored bunny and it looks like a doll came with was very nice and was besides blue floating.

as you are concerned .. the bunny asked

'm fine thanks .. but since I got here looking at all sides

Let me explain myself and my mother to buy food ivam when suddenly my mother saw you were in a dead faint so you brought to my house, because really if I had reoccupied but I feel better knowing you're alright ... "she sighed

thank you very much for saving and what is your name?

oh, sorry I submitted my name eh cream the rabbit and my chao cheese is nice to meet you and yours .. which is said narrowing

amy .. amy rose also delighted to meet you

I got up to go to the kitchen it seemed that her mother had made the food I was surprised to see her, so beautiful and kind and also face concern was with me seeing us hug me, never felt anything like it almost always stood alone with no one

had us very concerned about these well

thank you very much to assist me if you are kind

my name is much like vanilla the rabbit

amy rose is said with a taste ... very happy, smiling face

After that the mother invited us to eat, I was very hungry indeed had not eaten anything after last night .. later after helping finish of vanilla cream to clean everything and invited me to give a tour to all the people so we left quickly.