passed 2 hours until he finally finished the concert, which made me sad for a moment because the bristles sang very beautiful, we went down quietly did not know where I could be but thanks to my collar I could find, walked down a long corridor until I saw a door that was protected by guards but I bet it will not let us enter
now ... I thought we
not worry Amy, we distracted while you find your sister said ... sonic
first're right, so lets do it ..... said shadow
Sonic and shadow bothered to guide rdias, while they ran and the guards behind ivan them, artemis and I took the time and ran to the door wanted to play but my body stopped, but I thought about what my mother told me I had the confidence and touch, artemis could return to form soon false opened the door and then saw the same yellow bristles .... stayed motionless for a moment that was when the bristles began to mourn and ran to my weeping to while my collar and were his glowing
sister does not know how much I missed eh ... "the girl said
sister .... yell at the same time she cried
Suddenly shadow and sonic ran and stopped to where we were we just stood there amazed and yet with a smile at the scene, shortly after my sister invited us to go to his dressing room was beautiful at the same time that the majority was full of flowers and gifts, we invite you to sit
amy not know how you've been looking for all these years ...
said as you know my name? ... ask
I was seven years since that happened, but you were very small but could not forget that pretty face that possessed, but our parents had to separate would not be safe because the two together and they sacrificed themselves to save said, lowering his head ...
not worry, we're together and we can save our kingdom .. I said to smooth
amy certainly do not say my name eh my name is crystal rose, the same last name our parents ..
I love your name, eh you certainly are not submitted to my friends
hello I'm happy .... sonic the hedgehog sonic said
and I know the hegdehog enccantado of said shadow ..
Crystal present were all happy, then artemis Crystal appeared and took that also appeared the same figure I saw at the concert, the two became in its original form the two were very close but the other was different feathers were red and it seemed that was quite different
forgive me for this either I have presented my guardian beast, he is the sheik said crystal dark ...
Long time no see brother .. artemis said
same to you sister ... said
night really impressed me, as I said all we were presented with happy but I was more than know that and found my sister, and finally could regain the kingdom of our family and all vueva to normal.
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