The Temple of Herakles-Melkart
The cult of Heracles-Melkart, adored across the Strait, was a tie union between Carthage and Mauritania, cities that were worshiped at the same Hercules, also Sagunto, where there were few priests, Salier, who some years ago attach economic significance, but thinking it was the priests of Mars and perhaps they should consider whether they were the priests of Hercules Victor, like Tibur, Cadiz, and the kingdoms of Lixus North Africa and this worship is proof of the existence of a Phoenician-Punic commercial channels in the western Mediterranean, a point of which was capital Cadiz.
In Herodotus news we can find some of the materials of Libya's west end more appreciated in the West. This author discusses the existence of salt, salt mines and mountains, also in gold, honey, olives and wine
is curious news that the purple, which stained particularly the priestly garments and was greatly appreciated by the Semites, as Pollux (1.45), was invented by Melkart, which we have the Punic god of trade and maritime companies related to one of the most quoted in antiquity ...
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Very interesting, too, the article on "Ora Maritima" of Avieno .
As the blog Herakles / Melkart in general. Fabulous!
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