Rosa Regás like black paste your new vehicle for terrorists
JJ Armas Marcelo dixit:
An unlikely winning Catalan author, with "black" and all, was hired to lecture on Quevedo a place whose name I do not remember now. The lady agreed, and then asked a friend to make him "black", he wrote the speech because she knew nothing of Quevedo. His friend slipped as he could, and then the impostor was plucked from a friend who did know Quevedo. The friend of the lady gave the conference on Quevedo and accompanied Mrs. "Courtesy? Not exactly. At the end of the conference, the Foundation had hired paid the lady friend of emoluments of the act. And then, to the amazement of organizers, Mrs. Catalan writer so hated in Madrid, according to her, demanded money saying aloud that she had given up to the conference, "but not to collect it." And it also paid her ... I have to me that the name of the figure that deserves such behavior is more than simply evil. To be charged (and paid) a conference to someone who does not give, What do you call that an oxymoron?
In cases like this you just mentioned (to the public confidence, that I understand the oxymoron) is the life of Mrs. writer full. Book now threatening to vengeful against those who made "his life miserable" in Madrid: I do as much damage as you fear I have. And the confident elected, do not you know by now that the dice to play God with the universe are marked? Read the writings of the impostor braying when the time come to light in the bookstores. In what is sure beforehand that neither this book nor any other lady will be remembered by readers one week after have tried to read with the same efforts that have to do to go to the Olympics. What I am sure beforehand is not only the lady knows nothing of Quevedo, but did not even know how to write. How will you know how to write and also will be able to write a book? And yet, is rewarded many times ...
truth in my memory (I'm having more and more), the lady is as I thought since I met her, more than forty years, an impostor. She was already a mythical galletona by the stupidity of some of his friends and the softness of many of his men, who were promoted the same level the stars when they all knew (and now know much more) which was nothing more than a vampire feeding insatiable prestige of public affairs.
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