Thursday, July 29, 2010

Whole Sale Priceschicken Wings


Finally it's here, and in high quality, we can now enjoy the first trailer of "Thor" has been shown during San Diego Comic Con 2010. Is exactly a description which said in its day, but with much more detail and more surprising. In it we see a Thor in its heyday and even with his helmet, Loki, Odin, the three wars, Frigga, Sif, etc. ... I hope that soon begin to arrive. I perused the official website just in case, but it is still there since.

event in the past Comic Con we saw a picture of the entire cast of "The Avengers" , but between them if there was an absence, the actor who would give life to Ant-Man. He then rang that perhaps the character, despite being one of the founding members of the team in comics, it would not be in the movie. now confirms that the film will not be . The reason that no individual would fit with the film being prepared.

CinemaBlend talked with Edgar Wright, writer and director of individual film-Ant Man and he told that his film about the origin of the character, and maybe it would fit with a second film of The Avengers:

Kevin Feige talked to on the subject for some time and discuss whether it should be in The Avengers, "declares Edgar Wright, author of the film "Ant-Man" -. The thing is, the script that I've written, whether it will be next or not I do not know, chronology, or the way in which takes place not fit with what they will do. And my film has a lot of character introduction [...]. Perhaps if the film makes individual Ant-Man and if maybe there is an Avengers they can put it back inside. But would not work with the view that we make about the origin.

That is, their involvement is ruled out, especially if Marvel wants the interconnectedness of all his films.

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Source: Blog Superheroes Superheroes & Blog

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Biggest Rims For A Impala 03


Yesterday morning we left the news that Joss Whedon finally officially confirmed that it would be the director the "The Avengers" , but this good man has gone further and spoken a little more of the film, commenting even some talk of division as discussed recently.

The highlights are the characters in Ant-Man and Hawkeye as they are sounded very strong rumors for some time, the latter being those located Nathan Fillion to be Hank Pym / Ant-Man , and Jeremy Renner for Hawkeye (actor sounded years ago for a possible appearance in "Iron Man 2" which ultimately did not materialize). Whedon has come to confirm both rumors, but Marvel Studios had to come out in response. First things first, and here the words of Whedon on Fillion:

Nathan Fillion is Ant-Man, "said Whedon. Unfortunately Ant-Man is not in the movie.

I have not managed to find the video where he says that phrase, and as confirmed when Jeremy Renner is totally serious, we do not know what tone the statement said Nathan Fillion, but Marvel Studios has released a statement saying that Whedon was joking when he said of Fillion . The suspicion of many people

Finally, one rumor suggests that today also announced that Mark Ruffalo replace Edward Norton and will be Bruce Banner in the Avengers movie. Recode the rumor about the involvement of Rufallo appeared on Thursday last week.


Kevin Feige, president Marvel Studios production, continued his round of answers to IGN, this time referring to future holds for Bruce Banner / The Hulk in the movie The Avengers . On this occasion, Feige said that Mark Ruffalo is the Banner of Joss Whedon, "he is the banner that will have the kind Bill Bixby" . That is, continue what was done with Norton. Or not?.

However, the player will continue over the line who "wants to help people and this in a way ashamed of what he is going through, but not as strong and angry at the way Banner as Hulk is in form, which is something we have not really seen in the previous movies " .

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Source: Superhero Blog & &

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Motorcycle Movie 80s Futuristic

rare duck float

International Congress seeks to settle Santa Christmas Eve date

"And as in previous years, the date of the evening of Christmas is still a controversial issue, a puzzle that still divide the Santas " told AFP Tornvig Jens Peder, spokesman for the three-day conference, which takes place at Bakken, a park of about 400 years old north of Copenhagen.

"It appears that the vast majority is in favor of Dec. 24, although a minority still held on Dec. 25 or Jan. 6, when the Russian Orthodox Christmas," he said.

The absence this year of Russian Santa "will make the decision, announced on Wednesday, easier to take," he estimated.

Another absence is the Finnish Santa Claus, "which continues to give back to the conference, answering the original character Kalaallit Nunaat, Santa Claus of Greenland, the world's only recognized by almost all forever, "according Tornvig.

Congressmen, who are also" concerned "about his big belly, a parade will walk and then cycling Tuesday through the streets of Copenhagen, a distance of several miles "to lose some weight and bring happiness to many children eager to give them advance their gift lists," he added.

Early in the morning, Congress dressed in their uniforms, were planning to make the traditional "foot bath" in the waters of Bellevue, a beach near Bakken, before go to Copenhagen.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gays In Public Toilets

Santa Corpse

Leo Bassi achieves the Guinness to dive on a beach in Benidorm with float world's largest duck

Hundreds of people witnessed on Saturday in the Poniente beach in Benidorm (Alicante) of how the Italian actor Leo Bassii multifaceted, uploaded to float the world's largest duck, conducted the test by which enter into the Guinness Book of Records.

The comic has plunged into the sea on a duck-shaped inflatable with 40 meters in diameter, 14 diameter, seven in height and 250 pounds, as reported by sources benidormí consistory in a statement.

The event, which began at 12.30 hours, served as the preamble to the representation of his show 'Utopia', which took place at night in the amphitheater Oscar l'Esplá Aigüera Park, part of the program organized by July the Department of Culture of the City of Benidorm.

Leo Bassi said that the choice of Benidorm to try to enter the Guinness Book of World Records set in a large duck-shaped float is not accidental. The actor said that after studying hundreds of proposals across Europe, finally opted for Benidorm as "emblematic beach prototype full of ducks float in its waters." Bassi said who, at 58, has served in the Poniente beach dream of bathing in a giant-sized flotadorpato.

The comedian explained that this desire stems from the trauma that resulted in his childhood to discover the beach of Coney Island (New York) that the ducks float their parents had given him was smaller than the other inflatables children. Since then, according djo, has had "pathological obsession logic to present a day in a very popular beach and visited the world's largest float."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Football Player Linsey Dawn Mckenzie


This is a rumor already sounded for "Iron Man 2" following Set a purported image pointing to the possible shape of the famous ship SHIELD Helicarrier, however came to nothing. Now the rumor resumes to place the spacecraft in film "The Avengers" , something that would make sense and fit perfectly.

Nothing is confirmed, or indeed even see what version of the Helicarrier, since in the comics have been several versions over time. For the non-comics, saying that the Helicarrier is the ship that flies the heavens and serves as the main ship for defense and intelligence agency SHIELD

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What Kind Of Skates Do Ovechkin Use


We have here the second official image of Thor where we can see right to left Tom Hiddleston as Loki, Odin and Anthony Hopkins and Chris Hemsworth as Thor (Hammer and without helmet). Surely criticareis me, but my two images seen so far does not convince me. I just hope the final assembly will end up having a better look.

In another vein, it has been revealed both Thor as "Captain America: The First Avenger" be released in 3D (which we knew), but not be shot with 3D cameras, ie to be converted into the phase post-production, such as movies "Clash of the Titans" , which is cheaper for the study but is a much worse result than if you use 3D cameras (and my question then is, what that image the set of Kenneth Branagh and Thor with a 3D camera corresponds to what?)

Thor hit theaters on May 6, 2011, and "Captain America: The First Avenger" will the July 22, 2011.

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Source: Superheroes Blog