Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eurythmics Sweet Dreams Tabs Piano

are four Pharaonic temples in Sinai

It is published by La Vanguardia:

The temples were found in areas of Qantara Sharq, 4 miles east of the Suez Canal, and Zaro, who was in antiquity a starting point for the Army to protect the country's eastern border.

One of the temples is the largest found in the Sinai found so far, was built with limestone and measures 80 meters by 70.

The temple, which contains four rooms with 34 column bases, has inscriptions of different Pharaohs such as Thutmose II and Ramesses II, demonstrating the importance of place during the dynasties XVIII and XIV of the New Kingdom. In addition, the drawings on the walls of the temple, considered an important religious center in the eastern entrance to Egypt, still hold their bright colors.

The temple is surrounded also of 26 warehouses, dating from the time of the kings Seti I, Ramses II and Seti II (1315-1215 BC), and that are located in an old military road, called Horus and linking Egypt with Palestine.
That's the old military road is the most suggestive ... What were some busy corners of the world ...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How To Use Cheats On Gpsphone No Computer

elections are coming ...

... " YOU ARE prepare for demagoguery?

I'm already preparing my vote for the Pirate Party of Sweden , you could get several seats. And it's no joke.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Columbus Ohio Horse Meat

Visions of Ancient Greece (I): The aristoi

aristoi The term was used in lineages to which the Greeks called fatherland, Dorian dialect, and more usually genos, in Attic dialect. Each has a genos oikos which includes men, livestock, tools and land he owns. Its members are called homogalactes (those who have sucked the same milk) or homoyfinoi (who breathes the smoke). The gemnetai the same oikos recognize a common ancestry, real or mythical existence.

The only three moral precepts of aristoi are actions that deserve honor, not to fall into disgrace and never leave a memory of their deeds to future generations. This is the only immortality to which they aspire. Consider the afterlife as an indefinite extension of old age, a sign of decrepitude. So Hades interpret or abode of the dead as an inhospitable place where souls wander like shadows. The idea of \u200b\u200bshame is so strong that the Greek epic tradition Oileus Ajax commits suicide after making a fool of myself falling into madness prompted by Athena. While there is no mystical fervor. The Greeks of this era because they fear the gods are more powerful than them and can hurt them. The above principles of honor, shame and fame affect future dominated pillage fighting champion (of course aristoi ). The few foot soldiers simply bring those weapons of champions.

basileis The exercise of criminal justice within their oikos and pillage or revenge ordered blood to be taken to other oikoi . The importance of the robberies is that this aristocratic society is unworthy trade is always exercised by the Phoenicians and Egyptians. Over time, the preferred oikoi covenants of hospitality to the robberies, since they produce low and they do not always have competent leaders. Hospitality pacts between genos cause a transfer of metals across Greece.

An interesting element of this society is the thes (plural thetes ). The thes is an employee. Lives wandering on the verge of social exclusion. The aristoi sometimes pay them and most times not. His life is so sad that when Odysseus descends to Hades, in Canto 11 of the Odyssey, Achilles is become the ruler of the dead who would rather be informed before an thes in the world of the living and make tasks on behalf of another to reign over all the dead. Thetes possibly Mycenaean are both stripped of their assets to the arrival of the Dorian invasion, as Dorians themselves expelled from the various oikoi . In order not to be recognized by the suitors to come to Ithaca, Odysseus was disguised as thes (Canto 18 of the Odyssey).